Performance Appraisal


Once a school invited me for academic audit of its staff. When I met the Manager and the principal, both said, “Sir, these three teachers are not suitable for our school. They often say ‘no’ to any additional work. Appraise them carefully.” 

I kept quiet.

After the exercise I found those teachers were far better than others. One, who was close to the Manager and principal, was the worst.

I called ‘No Sayers’ one by one in private and asked, “Why do you say ‘no’ to extra work?” The replies were

(1)         Sir, I say ‘no’ because my ‘doing capacity’ does not permit me.
(2)         Sir, should I deteriorate my performance by accepting additional work?
(3)         Sir, saying ‘no’ is not my hobby but my compulsion. I don’t want to do injustice with my duty.

I agreed with the three.

Performance Appraisal

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